Sea Surface Temperature: APL receives AVHRR satellite data from the NOAA polar orbiting satellites. These data are processed into images of SST in near real-tme. Here is the latest 7-day composite of the Gulf Stream.
SAR Winds: APL processes SAR imagery from the Radarsat-1 satellite into
wind speed in near real time. Here is the latest processed
SAR wind speed image and a map of the latest coverage.
DC Lightning Mapping Array APL is a participating ground station in the DC Area Lightning Mapping Array.
The LMA is not yet operational. The image below is Nexrad radar reflectivity.
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Ocean Remote Sensing Group
The Ocean Remote Sensing Group conducts research associated with civilian and military applications of remote sensing technology in the marine environment.
AVHRR Imagery
SAR Ocean Imagery
- '99 SAR Symp.
- '03 SAR Symp.
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Ocean Remote Sensing Group
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
This page last updated: 03/15/2025 11:11:13.
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SRO Image on the cover of the August 2006 National Geographic
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